If you’ve thought to yourself, “I really need to earn my GED,®” or “I’ve always wanted to earn a college degree, but I have been out of school too long,” NPC’s College and Career Preparation (CCP) program is designed just for YOU!
CCP has helped many adult students just like you prepare to pass the GED® test or sharpen and enhance foundational skills so you’re ready to take on college-level work. NPC even offers scholarships to help cover the cost.
CCP offers developmental classes in reading, writing, math, language, spelling and study skills as well as pre-GED® courses. No matter what you need, we’ve got you covered. NPC’s CCP program typically serves in excess of 500 students per year.
Tony Hill, a CCP instructor, says, “Many CCP students haven’t been in school for a number of years, so they aren’t really sure what skill level they’re at or what they remember. That’s why it’s a good idea to take a placement test. It allows us to start working with you at your current skill level and chart a course to where you need to be. I love working with adult students because I can see the huge impact education has on their lives.”
For example, Lisa Genck is resuming her education 10 years after high school. She is just one of the many students who have benefitted from CCP’s services. “I relearned the important basic concepts of math,” she says. “Mr. Hill taught to my skill level and my way of understanding. I needed someone patient who could clarify math concepts for me. I knew how important it would be for me to under-stand these basic concepts later on in higher classes and in life.”
CCP is also helping Molly Cahoon, a recent graduate of Snowflake High School who has a learning disability. Since the 2016 spring semester, she has taken CCP social studies, math and science courses and says the experience has shaped her into an academically responsible student. “I successfully completed these courses with an A average, and my GPA has been raised, all within the course of a year. The CCP program is incredibly valuable to me, and all those classes expanded my current knowledge and opened me up to new concepts that I could not grasp in high school. I have also learned how to actively study, proactively read and turn in assignments early. It has given me the confidence to continue my education.”
Shawna Nicholson enrolled in CCP to get her GED,® though she dreaded taking math. “Mr. Hill has helped me develop an understanding of math I never thought I would have,” she says. “I started to enjoy it and began looking forward to coming to class. I am grateful to NPC and Mr. Hill for their help and encouragement, as I never thought any of this was possible.” NPC encourages students to continue their studies after they pass the GED® test by giving them a tuition waver for six free credits (approx-imately two classes).
“CCP faculty is dedicated to the success of each student and our learning assis-tants ensure that each student receives the individual services needed to be successful. We also provide students with workforce readiness skills, such as time management, communication and organization skills,” says Gail Campbell, the associate dean of Education and College & Career Preparation.
NPC understands that money is often tight for CCP students, so we offer an Adult Basic Education (ABE) program tuition scholarship for students who are seeking a high school equivalency diploma (GED®). This scholarship covers tuition and fees for qualifying courses and is offered to students who meet eligibility criteria on a first-come, first-served basis. If you already have your high school diploma, some CCP classes qualify for federal financial aid. To find out more about this program, meet with an NPC adviser or go to: