Haven Health operates two skilled nursing facilities, one in Show Low and the other in Lakeside, that offer inpatient rehabilitation services as well as long- term patient care. Recently, both locations realized they had to add staff more quickly to meet their growing demand for services. That’s when they decided to contact NPC’s nursing program to see if it could help.
Haven Health executive directors met with NPC Nursing Dean Debra McGinty, Betsyann Wilson, executive director of NPC Friends & Family and Royce Kin-canon, NPC Community & Corporate Learning Coordinator. Together they developed an accelerated Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) course and internship program that included a full tuition scholarship provided by Haven Health, and upon successful completion, the potential for full-time employment with Haven Health. The newly–formed partnership ran its first cohort through the program last December with great success!
NPC nursing faculty provided class instruction for the accelerated three-week course, along with clinical oversight at the two Haven Health facilities where the students completed their internships.
Demonstrating compassion, caring and a desire to grow within the health care industry, nine NPC students received the Haven Health scholarship. Eight passed the state CNA licensing test and are currently working at Haven Health – six at Lakeside and two at Show Low.
NPC Dean McGinty calls the accelerated class a success and a win-win situation for everyone involved. “The college is committed to preparing nurses for the future and serving our communities with excellence,” she says. “When health-associated caregivers come together to share resources and skills, innovative methods evolve and everyone gets a great take-away. The need for properly trained workers is great, and the potential benefits to students, facility residents and the community is substantial. Great things arise from collaboration between local business and NPC.”
Lakeside Haven Health Executive Director Tyson Taylor says, “All the students in the program are people we felt showed promise in the health care field, and we wanted to help them obtain their CNA licenses and start their new careers. We knew that if they were successful in the NPC training program, they would go on to become some of our superstar employees.”
Tommy Siqueiro, Show Low Haven Health executive director, says he was thrilled to see NPC students excel in the CNA program. “Given that this was a special, accelerated course, I was impressed that the students quickly mastered the course material and also were stellar in their clinical performances.”
Brittny Herget, one of the graduates of NPC’s program who is now a CNA at the Lakeside facility, says, “I learned how to care for the residents and assist with different daily activities. The internship was structured very well, and I was able to learn all the skills required of me.”
As the previous resident activities program manager at Haven Health of Show Low prior to the formation of the program, Valerie Martinez is now drawing praise for her service to patients as a CNA. Siqueiro says, “Valerie is actively engaged in people’s lives every day and helping to improve their quality of life. It’s exciting to see the love and care that she is bring-ing to the lives of our residents.”
Breana Ortega says, “I was excited at the opportunity to further my knowledge and expand my health career experience during the accelerated program.” She, too, worked previously in the resident activities program at Haven Health of Lakeside.
Siqueiro and Taylor said that Haven Health expects to have additional staffing needs as the demand for their services in the White Mountain area continues to grow. Given the huge success of all those involved in the NPC accelerated CNA course, plans are already underway to continue the Haven Health partnership.
NPC is always looking for ways to partner with local employers and meet community education needs. If you have a business that might benefit from an educational partnership with NPC, please contact Royce Kincanon, Community & Corporate Learning Coordinator, at (928) 536-6239.
– Dennis Durband