npc_bike_tourThe fourth annual Pedal the Petrified bike tour on Sept. 17 raised $40,500 for NPC student scholarships, a substantial increase from the $23,289 raised in 2015.

Produced by NPC Friends and Family, the nonprofit alliance that supports NPC students and programs, Pedal the Petrified enjoyed the support of numerous sponsors and volunteers.

Ride participants gave very positive feedback. “This is the friendliest ride I have ever been on. Everyone’s enthusiastic greetings and welcomes truly set this ride apart from others. I love it!” writes one rider on a follow-up survey. “78 percent of respondents rated the ride as ‘excellent,’ and 22 percent rated it as ‘very good.’ Two separate respondents told us it was the best organized ride in Arizona,” adds Executive Director of NPC Friends and Family Betsyann Wilson.

This year’s event illustrates huge growth in the popularity of the ride. The registration capacity of 250 riders was reached on May 15, with over 30 more placed on a waiting list. Riders came from as far away as Alaska and the Republic of South Korea!

“The most important part of this ride, other than everyone having a fun and safe trip, was the scholarships raised,” Wilson states. “I tell everyone our NPC students are the finest and bravest you’ll ever meet. They have a powerful desire to improve their lives through education. They are not constrained by lack of talent or ability, but financial barriers are a tremendous challenge. This event allows us to help them in ways that are truly life-changing.”