NPC_one_great_job“It’s great seeing our students graduate from NPC, because not only are they finding success for themselves, but they’re improving and growing the economy wherever they are. It’s rewarding to see so many students being hired locally and throughout Arizona,” says Frank Pinnell, NPC Welding instructor.

One example of a recent hire is Tyler Flores, a graduate of NPC welding who chose to work in Gilbert, Arizona amid offers from other cities and states. “After I graduated, I was lucky enough to have multiple job offers in Arizona but also in other states like Nevada,” says Flores. “But since I was living in Gilbert at the time, I’m glad that I had the flexibility to choose a job that was close to where I wanted to live and still stay in Arizona.”

Flores credits the demand for his capabilities to NPC and the strong curriculum that allowed him to develop and refine his skills. “Every welder is unique and different. It’s just like an artist who has his or her own unique style of painting,” says Flores. “That’s what I loved about NPC: the program was so hands-on that it allowed me to find my own unique style as a welder. Where I work now, I’m a fabricator, and I got that job because at NPC I was practicing and applying everything that a fabricator does right from the beginning.”

NPC focuses its programs so that students are not only fully prepared to enter the workforce upon completion but sought after by employers. That is good for our local economy, employment and especially NPC students. See all that NPC has to offer at

– Michael Nilsson