NPC_scholarshipsNPC Friends and Family is a non-profit alliance whose primary mission is to raise and disseminate need-based grants and scholarships to NPC students. The alliance was born in July 2014 out of the reorganization of the NPC Foundation.

Friends&FamilyLogoExecutive Director Betsyann Wilson was excited to be in a position to help students surmount the financial barriers they faced in earning a college degree, so she was puzzled when the first round of scholarship and grant applications came in for spring 2015. “There weren’t nearly as many as I expected, knowing the tremendous need our NPC students have,” she said.

Wilson sought to determine why there weren’t more applicants. “The answer lay mostly in the fact that students didn’t know how to go about writing a scholar-ship essay,” Wilson explained. She developed a two-hour workshop that covers the fundamentals of developing a scholarship application, and began offering the work-shop in late fall of 2015. After delivering the workshop to over 70 NPC students, Wilson was please to receive twice as many applications for the Spring 2016 semester as for the Fall 2015 semester.

“We awarded just about all we had to give – over $17,000 – and everyone who submitted a qualified application got something!” Wilson reports. She is passionate about helping students achieve a college education, and is eager to continue helping them get past that initial hurdle of developing a scholarship application. She encourages students to contact her for help with scholarship applications.

To learn more about or give to NPC Friends and Family grants and scholarships, visit or contact Wilson directly at (928) 536-6245 or email her at [email protected].

Education Is KEY To Our Local Economy

Government Benefits Received and Taxes Paid: All U.S. Households, 2010

By education of head of household

Cost of Unlawful Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayers
Source: Heritage Foundation calculations based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Current Population Survey and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010 Consumer Expenditure Survey. SR 133,