NPC_presidentWelcome to the second issue of NPC’s CareerFocus magazine, a semiannual opportunity for us to share how the college and its community partners play a vital role in providing affordable educational opportunities to all residents of Navajo and Apache counties.

On these pages you will find students’ success stories; an overview of our transfer and career degree programs; the essentials of applying for admission and financial aid; highlights of options available to the diverse communities we serve; and how your financial support, through property taxes and the nonprofit NPC Friends & Family Alliance, helps us transform lives.

NPC students are as diverse as the many cultures and communities we serve. You’ll find high school students taking college-level general education and vocational training courses. There are the traditional college-age students and adults of all ages returning to the classroom. Some come from families with previous college experience. Others are first-generation college students.

Enrolling in NPC classes is the first step. Completing that first class is a huge leap forward. As each national job-readiness certification is earned or core course completed, our communities are better prepared to supply the well-educated, skilled workers needed by industry and other local employers.

It is my hope that you will be inspired to become one of the thousands who have transformed their lives with the education they received at NPC. I encourage you to explore our online schedule (, which is constantly updated to reflect available courses. Our website ( is also filled with additional information about college events, programs and services. And you’re always welcome to stop by any of NPC’s nine locations, where our friendly, knowledgeable staff can help you meet your career and educational goals.

— Dr. Jeanne Swarthout, President