Community members joined North-land Pioneer College students, faculty and staff in creating over 200 handmade bowls for the Empty Bowls Community Project. The donated bowls were then used on November 20 to raise money for the Love Kitchen in Pinetop, to aid the fight against hunger in our local communities.
For a donation of $10, participants received one of the handcrafted glazed bowls and were served a bowl of soup and a piece of bread, the calorie equiva-lent of a daily meal for those in hunger.
“I was thrilled to have so many people participate, with the youngest bowl maker just four years old, show up at NPC’s two bowl Make-a-Thons. Many of them were working with ceramics for the first time,” said Magda Gluszek, NPC art instructor and organizer of NPC’s Empty Bowls Project.
NPC is proud to sponsor this commu-nity event to fight hunger and to partner with local organizations and community members. Plans are already under way for next year’s event.