People always say, “Nothing in life is free,” but at NPC that is not completely true. Currently enrolled students can receive free tutoring help for credit classes they are enrolled in. Whether it is chemistry, biology, math or another subject, NPC’s tutoring services are available to ensure students succeed in their classes.

For students who are falling behind in a class or want to improve their study skills and test preparation, NPC
tutoring is an excellent source of help. Tutors and tutoring labs can help students better understand assignments, concepts and ideas. Free, unlimited tutoring labs are available for students as they need it; no appointments are necessary. One-on-one tutoring, up to 19 hours per semester, is available in extenuating circumstances. 

NPC student Aleeya Hess realized she needed extra help with her calculus class. “When I first went in for tutoring I just didn’t understand the material, but the tutor patiently worked with me, one-on-one until I did, and that made a big difference in my class performance. I’m so glad that extra help was available when I needed it,” says Hess.

The tutoring labs are run by tutors who are graduates of NPC or other institutions. To ensure professional quality, all tutors are required to take the Effective Tutoring class during the first semester of their hire. After that, Ruth Creek-Rhoades, NPC’s tutoring coordinator, meets with tutors periodically to discuss tutoring successes and strategies.

“We look at a number of things to determine effectiveness for rehire (of tutors) on a semester-to-semester basis,” Creek-Rhoades says. This includes student attendance for the sessions, student and instructor feedback and a comparison of student grades at mid-term and end of semester.

NPC’s courses in mathematics, biology and chemistry draw the greatest demand for tutors, typically between 50 and 60 students per semester.

What is the impact of tutoring on student success rates? Creek-Rhoades says that for her first three years of coordinating the program, she found that students who attended tutoring regularly (20-plus hours) had scores 20 percent higher on average than students who did not attend tutoring in a given subject area. 

For the student tutors themselves, it is a great way to make a few extra dollars, Creek-Rhoades says. “Many tutors start tutoring to make money, then later tell me that it helped them understand the material better. Going into tutoring, they knew the material well enough to earn A grades, but having to think about what they
know and how to explain that to someone else reinforced the knowledge and concepts for them.”

Chris Cassels is just one of the many outstanding tutors who have assisted NPC students. Cassels recalls, “I introduced myself to Ruth and explained that I wanted to be a math tutor. She asked me to help one of her students with her homework, so I sat down and started helping the student. By the time I was done assisting the student, Ruth told me that I was hired, that I did every-thing correctly! I enjoy being a tutor simply because I enjoy helping people,” says Cassels. 

To request tutoring services, students can complete an online tutoring request form at: